Saturday, January 25, 2020


Its early on a Saturday morning and I have dropped our Freshman at school for her Archery tournament, our Junior is frantically heading out the door to her Saturday job, our eldest is on a flight to Amsterdam for the weekend from the UK where is lives and studies, my husband, our 7th grader boy and the two dogs, Captain America & Bucky, are still sleeping and so armed with coffee I thought this would be a good time to try this blogging thing out. 
Technology gets harder the older you get, I just work one platform out and its out of date or everyone is using something else. I can't keep up with the children. I got a new phone at Christmas and I can do the basics! Yesterday I learnt how to close all the open apps, it felt like a huge victory.
We moved to the US from the UK 8 years ago and spent the first five in North Carolina. Three years ago we relocated here and its be a huge adjustment. The south is very different in so many ways. Talking of differences, its snowing! If it snowed this much in the south the whole state would be closed for a week, just the forecast of snow is enough to shut school.
I was a classroom assistant in the UK, however the training does not translate here and each state has different rules, so I am trying to take the most relevant courses to get enough credit to get my assistant license. My goal was to qualify as a teacher but translating education is incredibly difficult and extremely frustrating and I just miss working in a classroom. 
Our girls talked so much over the holidays about what their thoughts and goals were for the new decade. A lot of them were very worrying as a parent, apparently this decade I will become a grandparent, which is a scary thought! I reflected and decided to just do what is needed to get back to work in a school so I stopped working and am taking enough classes to meet the requirements. I am excited to take this class so that I can be a useful addition to the classroom and support the teacher in the best possible ways.

Final Blog